For valuation purposes on commercial buildings, a common standard is a price/ft. analysis. This valuation technique often forms a part of ‘Direct Comparison Approach to Value’ (in Appraisal Terminology), and basically establishes a value range, against comparable building sales within the market.
Price per ft. in its most basic terms, is derived by dividing the sale price by the gross square footage of the building. Using a simple example to illustrate:
Sale Price $200,000
Building Sq. Ft. 2,000’
Price/Ft. $100/ft.
This per ft. rate is also inclusive of the land value.
In any given market, sales data of comparable buildings sold can be obtained, and a determination made as to current $/ft. ranges. In looking at comparable sales data, you will want to ensure that your comparative buildings are similar in not only size – but also age, location, condition, etc. Some comparable buildings will be better than others. Make every attempt to pay the greatest attention to the most relevant sales comparisons.
Without getting too complicated for these purposes, adjustments (up or down), can and should be made. For example, if a comparable sale property is 35 years old and a property you are considering making an offer on is less than 5 years old, an upward adjustment on a per ft. basis favouring the newer property would seem to be reasonable. This exercise should done be to confirm that you are within a value range of what is deemed reasonable within your market.
Much more on building valuations to follow - and as always consult with an experienced commercial broker in order to assist you in determining current building valuations in your area. To follow us on Twitter, click here.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Buying Commercial Property for Business Purposes - Buy vs. Lease Considerations
Buying commercial premises for your own business may be very appropriate and infact, opportunistic, given the declines in commercial values across many regions in recent years. Best advice here, is to review the results in your area and see how it compares to 5 or even 10 years ago. Numbers and trends do not lie, and you need to gather the facts on where your market is at currently.
Regardless of the market, and prior to moving in the ‘buy’ direction, you should consider a lease vs. buy analysis. Points to review include:
Location – is it where you see your business being in 5-10 years, is the trade area/market position what you require, is the visibility what you need, can you grow/expand here. From a real estate market standpoint – what is the commercial sales turnover, price growth, trending up/down, etc.
Capital Requirements – even if you mortgage the property, you likely will require 20-30-40% down to secure financing. In addition, all capital costs going forward will be yours (ie. roof, hvac replacement), which may not be the case with a leased premises.
Financing - depending on your jurisdiction, many areas across the country face major challenges in arranging financing. Not only are downpayment requirements elevated, but the rates can be 2-3-4% higher than typical residential rates.
Liquidity Issues – if at some point the equity in the real estate is needed for other purposes and the market has turned down, cashing out becomes a big problem and potentially a bigger loss if you are forced to sell.
Do your homework on the ‘buy – lease’ front, and the decision should ultimately be driven by the economics and what is best for your business. Your internal planning is important (ie. revenue forecasts, staff size, trade area analysis), as is a practical overview of the current real estate market conditions. Again, call on an experienced commercial broker to bring the necessary market details forward as you examine your best options.
That’s it now on any reference to leasing - I promise – but you can see how it is a necessary intro as we move on to the “Buy Side’ in discussing commercial properties. Next week we are on to looking at valuations and how to assess prices within your market.
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Regardless of the market, and prior to moving in the ‘buy’ direction, you should consider a lease vs. buy analysis. Points to review include:
Location – is it where you see your business being in 5-10 years, is the trade area/market position what you require, is the visibility what you need, can you grow/expand here. From a real estate market standpoint – what is the commercial sales turnover, price growth, trending up/down, etc.
Capital Requirements – even if you mortgage the property, you likely will require 20-30-40% down to secure financing. In addition, all capital costs going forward will be yours (ie. roof, hvac replacement), which may not be the case with a leased premises.
Financing - depending on your jurisdiction, many areas across the country face major challenges in arranging financing. Not only are downpayment requirements elevated, but the rates can be 2-3-4% higher than typical residential rates.
Liquidity Issues – if at some point the equity in the real estate is needed for other purposes and the market has turned down, cashing out becomes a big problem and potentially a bigger loss if you are forced to sell.
Do your homework on the ‘buy – lease’ front, and the decision should ultimately be driven by the economics and what is best for your business. Your internal planning is important (ie. revenue forecasts, staff size, trade area analysis), as is a practical overview of the current real estate market conditions. Again, call on an experienced commercial broker to bring the necessary market details forward as you examine your best options.
That’s it now on any reference to leasing - I promise – but you can see how it is a necessary intro as we move on to the “Buy Side’ in discussing commercial properties. Next week we are on to looking at valuations and how to assess prices within your market.
To connect with us on Linked In, click here.
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