Thursday, April 13, 2017

A Day in the Life of A Real Estate Agent

Have you ever wondered what a typical day looks like for a realtor?  Well I have bad news for you… no days in our industry are typical!  Depending on the day we could have a whole range of things going on.  You never know when your appointments could all cancel and you're left waiting around for a document to get signed or for a call back from another professional.  Sometimes you'll wake up thinking the day will be quiet, but by 10am it has completely flipped flopped and the rest of your day is totally booked.

A typical day just doesn't exist. But here is an example of a recent work day I (Russel) had so you can peer into the life of a real estate agent!

8am – Breakfast (most important meal of the day) and answer some emails.

9am – Out the door ready for the day.

9:30am – Inspection out at a waterfront property in the County.

12pm – Drive back into Town and return calls in the car (over Bluetooth of course).

12:30pm – Business lunch Downtown.

1:30pm – Meet photographer for photos for new industrial property that we listed this week.

2pm – Tenant comes to view same property that was just listed this week.

3pm – Back to the office to do some follow ups and work on an appraisal for a property we are being asked to submit a listing proposal on next week.  Return more phone calls and respond to emails. Set up appointments for tomorrow.  Eat a snack (Daryl's Bar).

5pm – Meet tenant to view office unit we have listed.

6pm – Head home.  Return some more calls.  Appointments finished for the day.

6:30pm – Dinner at home.

7pm – Gym time.  Need it to stay fit and healthy.  Productivity and sleep quality slip without it.

8:30pm – Return Home.  Protein shake while reviewing new listings that came up that day.

9pm – Finish up appraisal for next week.  Prepare for appointments tomorrow.  Answer more emails.

10:30pm – Netflix and Chill.

11:30pm – Read some non-fiction.  Recent recommendation is Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman.  Reading is very important to keep you mind sharp and it helps me wind down.

Midnight – Lights out!

I didn’t pick the most exciting day but it was pretty busy and varied in scope.  The important thing in this business is to be consistent and work hard everyday.  It is also important to have a good work-life balance so you can keep up your productivity.  We are lucky to have flexibility in our schedules that way.  Is this day in the life different than you would have expected?