Welcome back to the Real Estate Insider, readers! This past month, we came across a variety of hot topics you'll want to invest some reading time in, including how marijuana may boost the value of your home, why you should know your credit score, and why you shouldn't chase the lowest mortgage rate!
There are a lot of factors to consider when deciding on either a fixed or variable rate mortgage, and everyone is different. Luckily, ‘RateSpy.com’ has compiled a checklist to make your decision easier! Check it out: >>
Mortgage rates are seeing a steady increase for the first time since the early 1990’s, and that trend isn’t stopping next renewal term! Are you prepared for a rate increase? Read more about current trends here. >>
DON’T GET TRICKED BY CHASING THE LOWEST MORTGAGE RATE! There are so many other factors that could save you so much more money in the long run! Read about them all here. >>
There are a lot of expected benefits from the legalization of marijuana, and a boost in housing prices may be one of them! A Study in America found homes close to recreational ‘pot shops’ saw an increase in value by about 8%. Read more here. >>
Are you aware of you Debt-To-Income ratio? It may be time to take a look! Learn what it is and why it is so important when qualifying for a mortgage or line of credit! >>
With the recent real estate “Boom” in Toronto, we have seen the number of people getting their real estate license do an equally impressive “Boom”, but how many of these new agents are successful? How many Toronto realtors are doing less than 1 deal per year? The number will almost certainly shock you, and they are all laid out for you here. >>
While young adults living with their parents give them the ability to save money, study has shown that it may be draining the parent’s retirement funds by more than 24%! Read more about the increasing trend here. >>
Do you want to invest in Real Estate but maybe aren’t ready buy an investment property? Here are 6 ways to passively invest in the growing real estate market! >>
Capital Gains tax has been a hot topic in recent months; especially since house flipping and income properties have increased in popularity. But what about when you are about to inherit some real estate from a relative? How does the taxation work? Read this article to find out the best way to approach these situations. >>
Knowing your credit score is important! Get your credit score and report for free here! >>