Should you teach your old house new tricks? Want the best mortgage rate? Are you misusing your Line of Credit? Read all this and more in our latest edition of the Real Estate Insider!
A properly calculated CAP rate can be a very useful tool, but there are many other factors people should be looking into when buying or selling income properties. Are you aware of them? Find out here. >>
“Smart Homes” are taking the world by storm, but is the value added really worth the investment in older homes? It depends! Find out more here. >>
Are you buying a new home? Here are a few things you should know to make sure you’re protected! >>
If you own or are thinking of getting a heat pump, routine manual cleaning may not be enough! Deep cleaning and regular filter changes are almost a necessity! Read why here. >>
Divorce is an unfortunate yet very common part of today’s society. To make sure you are protected through this process, here are 6 myths about divorce that everyone should know. >>
Are you getting the most out of your line of credit? It can be one of the most useful tools to building wealth and financial freedom, but only if used correctly! Read here to get tips on using your LOC to your advantage. >>
Real Estate > Stocks. Here’s why. >>
AirBNB is an easy way to make money if you’ve got an empty property and are willing to put in the work. Here are some tips and tricks everyone should know before venturing into this market. >>
Everyone is talking about the new standard residential lease form in Ontario, this article should help with explaining everything you must know about this controversial topic. >>
CALLING ALL DEAL HUNTERS! Here are the three top ways to ensure you are getting the best rate on your next mortgage. >>