Monday, April 6, 2020

Real Estate Insider: April 2020 News Report

Is this pandemic another example of why real estate is the best investment? Read here how this investor wanted to diversify his portfolio with real estate, and is now expecting a 15% return on his purchase!

A lot of people with an up-to-date will think they are prepared if anything were to happen to them, but there are two more documents that everyone over 18 should have in their possession! Read here about how a financial and medical power of attorney could save you and your loved ones a lot of money and hassle during a difficult time.

The financial samurai makes an argument for taking advantage of the low interest rates and stock market correction by re-financing your home to buy stocks, but do the pros outweigh the cons? Read both here and decide for yourself!

If the Stress Test is stressing you out, you may just need to learn more about it! It was implemented to prevent another market crash when interest rates rise (and they will). Read here everything Canadians need to know about the mortgage stress test!

Contract wording can be tricky… this buyer found out the hard way when he lost his $100,000 deposit! Read this article about the “reality cheque” this buyer had to write for not fulfilling his contract, even though “without personal liabilities” was written directly in!

Changing tenants in your rental property can be a long and expensive transition, this article is here to smooth out any bumps in the road you may experience by preparing you to be in control! The best way to avoid a problem is to solve it before it starts, so read this article, take control, and “smooth out the move out!”

OK BOOMER — Recent study shows that 86% of baby boomers want to stay in their current house for as long as possible. Is the age of downsizing over? Read here the motivation for most adults wanting to stay put!

You always hear about people’s wins, but never their losses! While everyone seems to have made huge money on Toronto real estate in the last few years, there have been people who have lost just as much! Moral of the story: real estate isn’t a perfect investment, and can be done extremely wrong! Read here some stories on how people lost big, so you don’t make the same mistakes!

Easiest way to protect yourself as a tenant or landlord? Make sure it’s in the lease! Handshake deals are a thing of the past, and at the end of the day, what’s in the lease goes. Read here why “having it in writing” isn’t always enough.

Deciding to buy a home with your significant other can be a very exciting (and nerve wracking) time. Unfortunately, this seemingly happy process needs to be dampened by “the talk”. It is very important to make sure everyone is on the same page with what to do with your property IF you were to ever break up. Making sure the ground rules are in place before it gets ugly can save everyone a lot of time and money! Read here why having such an awkward talk is definitely worth it in the long run.

The whole world needs to come together (metaphorically speaking) at this time to minimize the damage done by COVID-19. One of the biggest aspects affecting how this will all turn out is the actions taken by big banks to help their borrowers affected by this pandemic. It seems PR is doing their job, but are their business practices really here to help? Read here how big banks may seem like the good guys right now, but caution needs to be taken because at the end of the day, the banks are working for their shareholders. 

Last month saw the big banks cut rates three times! How much lower will they go? Read here how these rate cuts are attempting to cushion the impact that this virus has brought on.

When the Federal Reserve cuts rates, most people expect the mortgage rates to drop by a similar amount. This isn’t always the case, because the Federal Reserve doesn’t control the mortgage rates, it is actually the market that calls for an increase or decrease in mortgage rates! Read here the aspects controlling out rates and what to expect moving forward!

Financing is a complex tool that should never be taken for granted. Just because you have all of your ducks in a row, doesn’t mean that lenders have the same agenda that you do. Read here how assuming similar mortgage rates and terms as previous deals might end up costing this investor all of his return!

An array of misinformation has caused panic at the Landlord Tenant Board, particularly in the “is rent still due” area. This has pushed GTA investors to call for a “rent bank” to be created to help landlords who’s tenants are refusing to pay with little to no consequences. Read more here about the confusion and who you think should be on the hook!

The federal government has been faced with big decisions on how to disperse money amidst this crisis, and the NDP has once again called for the feds to make sure tenants, landlords, and all home owners aren’t devastated by this pandemic. Do you agree with their solutions? Let us know!

How will COVID-19 impact the real estate market in Canada? This article gives a glimpse of short-term and long-term changes to the real estate market, including one of the “coolest” spring markets we have seen in a long time.

Ontario’s Emergency Legislation is unfair to landlords, in summary, “Landlords have been handed the burden of taking care of the province’s social, low-income, and lack of housing problems.” Do you think it’s fair for the government to put that burden on landlords? It’s easy to think all landlords are rich and evil, but we can tell you from first hand experience that it is simply not true. This legislation may devastate many investors trying to provide a better life for their family, or setting up their own retirement fund (because many people can no longer count on pensions!) What are your thoughts? If you are a tenant or landlord in Ontario we would love to hear from you!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Real Estate Insider: Special COVID-19 Report

Interest rates can’t get much lower before they hit zero, but are they poised to go into the negatives? As this pandemic timeline increases, so does the possibility of Canada’s government interest rates to go below zero for the first time in history! Read here about the possibility of negative interest rates and how it could affect other areas of the Canadian economy!

With the stock market in a free-fall, how does it affect real estate prices? This financial samurai has already lived through 3 “Bear” markets and takes a deep look at the numbers to find a correlation between the size of the stock market correction and real estate prices. Read here if you think now is the time to get into real estate!

Canada’s largest banks act quickly to cut prime lending rates, but will these savings be passed down to the average consumer? Read here and give us your thoughts!

EI AND EI SICKNESS BENEFITS 101: This article explains everything you need to know to get started with EI, including how to apply, the ins and outs, and who qualifies!

Mortgage relief amidst the Coronavirus - Big 6 banks all doing their part to help with the economic impact of this pandemic. They are mostly on a case by case basis, so read here how your bank is handling this (so far) and see what relief you qualify for!

This article provides 5 ways to potentially benefit from the slashing of interest rates!

Quarantine has had an affect on almost every aspect of peoples lives, including searching for homes! May not come as a surprise that during this pandemic, it seems Canadians have lost interest in buying homes! Read some of the statistics here.

Flippers beware, you might be in for a scare! With real estate flips being at the peak of popularity during the beginning of the year, many investors may find themselves with a beautifully renovated property, and no-one to show it to! So much uncertainty has evolved over the past few weeks, and re-sellers may find it difficult to get top dollar for their short term property flips. Read here this blogger’s thoughts on re-sale homes moving forward.

Read here some first hand stories from frustrated homeowners looking to take advantage of the mortgage deferral program, only to find out the banks are just as unsure as they are!

Would you be willing to risk your health to reduce the financial impact of this Virus? Read here about real life examples of people who aren’t financially able to last during this shutdown for more than a few weeks, and let us know where you stand!

Must watch! Real Estate lawyer gives tips on how to protect your real estate deals during COVID-19.

Read here different testimonials from Realtors all over Canada on how COVID-19 has affected their market!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Real Estate Insider: March 2020 News Report

Whether it's Ballin or Renovating, most people doing it are on a budget! This article talks about looking “below the surface” and can give you some awesome tips on choosing tile and counter tops when renovating to give you the most bang for your buck!

Did you know the first metre or two of your property frontage is a city owned right of way? This means they do not need your permission to install and service many items. Read here this person’s experience of a surprise sign being erected on their lawn, how it could affect your property value, and how you can fight it!

If you’re hiring a renovation company to do some work in your home, you need to make sure you know what contracts and insurance to have in place before they break out the sledge hammer! Lucky for you, this article does exactly that!

Would a 10 year fixed rate mortgage term make you more comfortable when taking out a loan? It would certainly get rid of the fears of rapidly rising interest rates every 5 years. This seems to be a possibility in the near future for Canadians, but one of the main things keeping this from happening sooner is lack of demand! Read here the benefits of longer term fitted rate mortgages and how it could help people currently excluded from the market buy in.

You know the old saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say about a company, the company will get their employees to make up positive reviews for you.” Or something like that, right? Purplebricks Canada is under investigation after incentivizing their employees with paid vacation days to write fake reviews about the company. Would this lose your trust as a customer? Let us know! Read more here.

With mortgage rates at an all time low, is it time to pay off your mortgage early? Read here the benefits and costs that are associated with this strategy, as interest rates continue to fall!

The best teacher is experience! Read here this couples re-cap of their first year with a Mini-Split Heat pump, and how much money they actually saved!

Do you own, or have used an Airbnb in the past year? If so, look out for the increase in regulations across Canada and make sure you’re prepared! Read here the first few cities to see the tightened regulations, and who’s next!

If you are a commercial Tenant, make sure you read this article differentiating between a “sublease” and a “lease assignment” so you don’t accidentally lose your rights as a Tenant!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Real Estate Insider: February 2020 News Report

If you’re sitting on a paid-off house in a prominent area, you may think you’re sitting on a gold mine for retirement. However, there are many factors to consider when deciding whether to down-size, right-size, or get out of the market completely. This article gives you a general overview of things to consider before pulling the trigger on putting the “For Sale” sign up!

In response to the current housing crisis, Ontario Conservatives have released a “Co-ownership guide” to help people maximize the space in large homes and share the cost. This sounds great in theory, but there is a high risk of financial disputes that they fail to mention or prepare you for. Do you think you could own and live in a home with a friend? If your answer is yes, read here for some potential problems to prepare for!

How well your investments do largely depends on the asset class you choose to invest in. Read here why this investor chose farmland 7 years ago over many other investment classes, and why he just realized a return of 268%! Even if farmland isn’t your cup of tea, this article can help you look at the bigger picture when it comes to investing so you can make sure your money is working harder than you are!

With many new condo projects in the works for Windsor-Essex, make sure your current condo is keeping up with the modern look! Here’s 3 renovation tips for condos that can help keep it at (or bring it too) the top of Market Value.

If you have one or more rental properties, you may be missing out on RRSP room that could help you during tax season! Read here “How does income from a rental property create RRSP contribution room”.

Read here why wood-framed apartment and condo buildings are slowly becoming the “norm” in todays market and why some builders even prefer this method! **Hint hint, it has a lot to do with money!

Canada’s top banker believes a solution to the affordability crisis is to split mortgage costs with investors. This is far from a perfect solution, but could be a step in the right direction, Read more here about what it would entail.

Canadian rents are up 4.3% since last year, read here which cities saw the biggest increase and which cities are still “affordable”.

This article describes 4 ways to save more on taxes if you’re a real estate investor. Including the difference incorporating yourself or your business can make! 

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Real Estate Insider: January 2020 News Report

A sign of a good economy is cranes in the sky! There were more permits for new construction in 2019 than ever before in Windsor-Essex! Read here some of the biggest developments happening in Windsor and the most popular permits granted across the city!

A large reason for the recent Windsor- Essex real estate boom is the vast number of people moving to town! But who is it that’s moving in? From immigration to youth from other Ontario cities, see which group is moving in the largest numbers and why!

Being a Landlord is becoming more and more difficult in Ontario, especially if you rented to a bad Tenant (and now you’re stuck with them). According to this article, it is mostly due to the incompetence and abuse of power the Landlord Tenant Board is showing in favour of Tenants. Read this article about this Landlords bad experience and let us know if you’ve had your own bad experience with the LTB! 

With a large percentage of the population set to retire in the coming years, there will be a lot more people looking to supplement their retirement income with investments, but should these retirees be borrowing to invest? The answer is most likely no, but everyones situation is different! Take Garrey for example, he’s wondering if borrowing to cover his rental property expenses is a good long term strategy in retirement. If you have similar questions, this article is a great starting point!

Do you know your credit score? If you’re going to be applying for a mortgage in the near future, the more you know the better! Read here to learn more about where to find your credit score, how it is calculated, tips on improving it, and more!

The Average single family home size is declining, this is a positive sign for Real Estate investors due to the cyclical tendencies of the market. Learn more about why the reduction in size could mean big bucks for real estate investors in the coming years.

Ever wonder what would happen if your real estate deal doesn’t close on time? It can get pretty messy if the Buyer or Seller is late delivering documents! Read here what would happen if bad weather or traffic were to hold up the closing of your dream home. 

Here’s 5 tips to keep the temperature up and heating bill down all winter long! What we like to call a “Win Win!”.

Read here why EVERYONE should have a will, and keep it updated!