Today we wanted to talk about our wish list for a healthy 2016 real estate market:
- Continued low interest rates. With historic low interest rates of 2015, it makes housing payments more affordable and investing cash flows higher. We don’t forsee these going away for a while but why not appreciate how good we have it (talk with those who owned real estate in the early ‘80s with 20%+ interest rates).
- Immigration and migration into the Windsor-Essex Market. With the push for retirees and low housing prices, the area has become successful in attracting people from large high priced markets to relocate to Windsor-Essex. We hope to see this trend continuing to increase.
- The continued resurgence of the Automotive Industry. The rebound in the last few years has created significant jobs and economic activity for the area which has helped drive the local real estate market.
- No more terrorist attacks! Aside from the human tragedy that we hope to avoid, we hope not to see these terrorist attacks continuing around the world and shaking the confidence of people in the global economy.
- A mild winter. Put your hand up if you love brutal winter conditions….anyone? Didn’t think so. Buyer and Sellers in the real estate market don’t love bad weather either and a mild winter should keep this booming real estate market going.
- A healthy increase in supply of houses and commercial properties. In 2015 we saw the stats swing highly in the favor of a sellers market and we have many buyers who haven’t been able to find the property they have been looking for. A slight increase in supply to balance the market out would help in 2016.
Russel Lalovich
Office: (519) 966-0444
Cell: (519) 995-5620